A Culinary Community
On April 14, 1865, The Société Culinaire Philanthropique, the first chefs organization in America, was founded to serve a new and growing community of French migrant chefs in New York City. The organization established a network and supportive community for these newly immigrated professionals. It provided a space where French culinary traditions could be preserved and promoted while offering support during a booming culinary scene in the United States.
Although the dining room was center stage for the business dealings and social lives of the New York elite, not all those who emigrated from France to work in the kitchens of hotels, private clubs, restaurants and private mansions were well paid by their employers. The Société’s mission adapted to also to provide financial support to its members, and to other worthy causes.
Today, the Société not only continues to fulfill its original mission but has expanded that mission to support culinary students and partner with other chef organizations such as the Académie Culinaire de France and Maîtres Cusiniers de France. In addition to hosting its longstanding annual dinner dance (held since 1867) and annual Culinarians’ Home picnic (held since 1942), the Société is proud to collaborate on and sponsor the bi-annual Trophy Jean-Jacques Dietrich and Trophy Roland Mesnier competitions.